Preschool Inclusion Program and Preschool Disabilities Program
Curriculum Focus
- Activities to promote positive interactions with peers
- Taught skills of sharing, turn-taking, requesting
- Teacher/aide facilitated playgroups
- Activities to increase attention and promote positive attitudes toward learning
- Expressive language skills and articulation
- Receptive language skills
- Practice with adults and peers
Motor Skill Development
- Gross motor skill development (large muscle groups) - Through specialized activities, play, physical education and physical therapy
- Fine motor skill development (prewriting activities) - Through specialized prewriting activities, projects, art and occupational therapy
Self Help Skills
- Specific skill training towards independence--zipping, buttoning, snapping, putting on, taking off, pulling
- Toileting skills toward independence
- Personal hygiene skills--brushing hair, teeth, washing hands, etc.
- General skills towards independence--cleaning up, putting things away, following teacher directions, waiting your turn
Cognitive Development
- Learning the letters of the alphabet
- Learning about numbers and their relationships
- Learning about colors, shapes and size relationships
Teacher certification:
Teacher of the Handicapped; Early Childhood Education
Special Area Teachers:
Art, Music and Physical Education are offered to all students
Related Services:
Speech/Language Therapist, Occupational and Physical Therapists are provided both as a direct service and as a consultant to the teachers
- Personnel certifications, expertise and continued education
- Integrated Program with related services
- Individualized curriculum
- In local public school (utilizes school routines and functions)
- With same-age peers
- Integration with typical peers for assemblies and special activities
- Special area teacher promotes new learning based on Core Curriculum Standards and provides for transition of learned skills