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Strategic Plan

Looking Forward 2022

In December 2016, the Pitman Public Schools embarked on a strategic planning initiative called Looking Forward 2022.  District leaders have engaged local residents, families, business owners, civic leaders, and district employees in “community conversations” about the future direction of the Pitman schools.   

Looking Forward 2022 was designed to help the Board of Education and district administration to:

  • Learn what concerned citizens believe are the strengths of our schools…
  • Listen to the ideas and suggestions that community members have for improving our school district…
  • Identify challenges and the opportunities that those challenges present…
  • Focus the community’s resources toward common goals…
  • Develop a five-year plan for the district centered on mutually determined goals that support the needs of our students and the district as a whole…

The planning process started with surveys of students, families, and community members in December 2016, and through four strategic visioning sessions in spring 2017 with a team of 40+ community stakeholders. Our thanks to the University of Pennsylvania's Center of Civic Engagement and Dr. Harris Sokoloff for their assistance.

During the summer of 2017, district officials and the Board of Education crafted goals and objectives.  The final plan was presented publicly and adopted by the Board of Education on September 20, 2017.  See the link to the right to read the plan.

Notes and other documents related to this process are linked in the box on the upper right-hand side of this page.

Thank you to all who have contributed to this planning process. They have assisted us in setting a course for the district to keep it moving forward over the next five years.