Frequently Asked Questions
Bond Referendum Basics
- What is a bond referendum?
- How does the referendum position Pitman for current and future enrollment growth?
- How did leasing two of the District’s buildings help save the District money?
- What brought Pitman to this point?
- What is the benefit of holding the bond referendum on Jan. 28, rather than another date?
What is a bond referendum?
How does the referendum position Pitman for current and future enrollment growth?
How did leasing two of the District’s buildings help save the District money?
What brought Pitman to this point?
What is the benefit of holding the bond referendum on Jan. 28, rather than another date?
Proposed Projects
- What projects are included in the first ballot question?
- What projects are included in the second ballot question?
- How do the referendum projects benefit student learning?
- How are gas boilers more efficient than steam boilers?
- How much more efficient would the new HVAC systems at PES be?
- Why is it important that the bathrooms be upgraded at PES?
- How would rooftop air conditioning units provide better air flow than window units at PES?
- How will the Jr./Sr. High School get air conditioning, too?
- Why does the roof at the Jr./Sr. High School need to be replaced?
- What will happen to the solar panels on the roof of the Jr./Sr. High School?
- How is the District prioritizing safety by installing security vestibules?
- How will the referendum address the drainage issues at the track and adjacent parking lot?
- How did the district determine which portion of the Jr./Sr. High School roof needs to be replaced?
- How does the referendum secure the future of Pitman schools?
- Why is updating our current schools a better and more cost effective option than building a new school?
What projects are included in the first ballot question?
What projects are included in the second ballot question?
How do the referendum projects benefit student learning?
How are gas boilers more efficient than steam boilers?
How much more efficient would the new HVAC systems at PES be?
Why is it important that the bathrooms be upgraded at PES?
How would rooftop air conditioning units provide better air flow than window units at PES?
How will the Jr./Sr. High School get air conditioning, too?
Why does the roof at the Jr./Sr. High School need to be replaced?
What will happen to the solar panels on the roof of the Jr./Sr. High School?
How is the District prioritizing safety by installing security vestibules?
How will the referendum address the drainage issues at the track and adjacent parking lot?
How did the district determine which portion of the Jr./Sr. High School roof needs to be replaced?
How does the referendum secure the future of Pitman schools?
Why is updating our current schools a better and more cost effective option than building a new school?
Funding Strategy
- What is the estimated cost of these improvements?
- What is state aid, and how does it offset the tax impact in Pitman?
- What would the impact be on my property taxes?
- How much would my tax bill decrease if the referendum doesn’t pass?
- What is the difference between the assessed value and market value of a home?
- What does net tax impact mean?
- If the referendum is approved, how long will Pitman residents make this investment in our schools?
- Why aren’t these projects covered by the annual budget?
- What happens if the project costs are lower than estimated?
- What happens if the project costs are higher than estimated?
- Why is Question 2 contingent on Question 1 passing?
- When would the District know the interest rate of the bonds?
- How would the proposed projects benefit a person without children in school?
- How can senior citizens "freeze" their property taxes?
- If the referendum passes, how would the district select contractor(s)?
- How are project costs estimated for a proposal like the one Pitman has put forth to voters?